Small Wonders
This show is dedicated to the memory of an extraordinary educator, mentor, and lover of natural beauty. Alessandra Sagasti was an ecologist who dedicated her career and much of her personal life to teaching others to appreciate and protect the magic of the tiny ecosystems that surround us. The ten works that make up this exhibit were created and carefully curated by her mother, Chapel Hill artist Miriam Sagasti, who chose to focus her efforts on the small, highly detailed scratchboard pieces that Alessandra loved. This exhibit is a celebration of the beauty and the tremendous importance of taking the time to notice the small wonders in our midst.
You can view the exhibit at the North Carolina Crafts Gallery on 212 West Main Street, Carrboro NC 27510.
Tuesday October 3rd to Saturday October 28th (Gallery hours are Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm).
We will have a reception on Friday, October 13th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
You can view the exhibit at the North Carolina Crafts Gallery on 212 West Main Street, Carrboro NC 27510.
Tuesday October 3rd to Saturday October 28th (Gallery hours are Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm).
We will have a reception on Friday, October 13th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.